How to break silos

In the previous section, we looked at how teams are organized to produce output. It's pretty self-evident that each team member by and large has the same skills as their fellow team members. As a consequence, it's impossible to ask a team of analysts to write code for a certain functionality or provision the infrastructure to deploy the application into production. 

The first step to breaking silos is creating multidisciplinary teams. This means that a team should have members with different skills that will help the team approach different problems and needs.

Ideally, each team member should have all the necessary skills to approach any kind of need. However, this goal is almost impossible to achieve. 

Once you have a multidisciplinary team, you can easily end up having people working using a silo style within the same team. In order to solve this problem, you need to define a plan to make each member incorporate more skills as part of their portfolio. For example, you can make a developer work with a QA expert using the pair programming technique. In this way, the developer will learn how the QA expert thinks, and the QA will acquire development skills.

Multidisciplinary teams create an environment of collaboration across all stages of the SDLC.

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