Building a neural network

Finally, let's build a neural network! We'll be building a simple three-layer neural network with one hidden layer. A three-layer neural network has two weight matrices, so we can define the neural network as such:

type NN struct {
hidden, final *tensor.Dense
b0, b1 float64

hidden represents the weight matrix between the input layer and hidden layer, while final represents the weight matrix between the hidden layer and the final layer.

This is a graphical representation of our *NN data structure:

The input layer is the slice of 784 float64 which is then fed forward (that is, a matrix multiplication followed by an activation function) to form the hidden layer. The hidden layer is then fed forward to form the final layer. The final layer is a vector of ten float64, which is exactly the one-hot encoding that we discussed earlier. You can think of them as pseud-probabilities,  because the values don't exactly sum up to 1.

A key thing to note: b0 and b1 are bias values for the hidden layer and the final layer, respectively. They are not actually used mainly due to the mess;  it's quite difficult to get the correct differentiation. A challenge for the reader is to later incorporate the use of b0 and b1.

And to create a new neural network, we have the New function:

func New(input, hidden, output int) (retVal *NN) {
r := make([]float64, hidden*input)
r2 := make([]float64, hidden*output)
fillRandom(r, float64(len(r)))
fillRandom(r2, float64(len(r2)))
hiddenT := tensor.New(tensor.WithShape(hidden, input), tensor.WithBacking(r))
finalT := tensor.New(tensor.WithShape(output, hidden), tensor.WithBacking(r2))
return &NN{
hidden: hiddenT,
final: finalT,

The fillRandom function fills a []float64 with random values. In our case, we fill it up from random values drawn from a uniform distribution. Here, we use the distuv package from Gonum:

func fillRandom(a []float64, v float64) {
dist := distuv.Uniform{
Min: -1 / math.Sqrt(v),
Max: 1 / math.Sqrt(v),
for i := range a {
a[i] = dist.Rand()

After the slices r and r2 have been filled, the tensors hiddenT and finalT are created, and the *NN is returned.

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