Installing Deep Learning libraries

Now we will install Python libraries used for Deep Learning, specifically: TensorFlow, and Keras.

Question: What is TensorFlow?
TensorFlow is a Python library developed and maintained by Google. You can implement many powerful machine learning and Deep Learning architectures in custom models and applications using TensorFlow. To know more visit

Install the TensorFlow Deep Learning library (all except Windows) by typing:

conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow

Alternatively, you may choose to install using pip and a specific version of TensorFlow for your platform:

pip install tensorflow==1.6

See the installation instructions for TensorFlow (

Now we will install keras using the following command:

pip install keras

To validate the environment and the version of the packages, create the following script which will print the version numbers of each library:

# Import the tensorflow library
import tensorflow
# Import the keras library
import keras

print('tensorflow: %s' % tensorflow.__version__)
print('keras: %s' % keras.__version__)

Save the script to a file Run the script by typing:


You should see output like:

tensorflow: 1.6.0
Using TensorFlow backend.
keras: 2.1.5

Voila!!! Now we are ready with Python development environment to write awesome Deep Learning applications in our local.

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