Canvas (drawing)

The canvas package includes definitions of all of the basic drawing objects that Fyne understands. Each of these types defines a number of fields that represent the configuration, such as color, size, and visibility. These are the objects that a Fyne driver will iterate over, drawing each to create the rendered user interface:


This is a circle, or ellipse, defined by the bounding top-left to bottom-right rectangle. It could be created with NewCircle() or &Circle{}. It isn't commonly used in most applications.


An image may be a vector or bitmap-based image loaded from a file (with NewImageFromFile()) or embedded resource, or it may be an image generated dynamically to fill available space (using NewRaster() and a func(w, h int) *image.Image callback).


This is a simple line that draws from one position to another. It isn't commonly used unless drawing diagrams.


The basic building block for widgets, a rectangle draws an area with a specified color. Create with NewRectangle() or &Rectangle{}.


The text canvas primitive draws a single string to screen in a specified color and alignment. It does not handle any special characters or formatting. It can be created directly using &Text{} or with the helper NewText() function.

The preceding list makes up the primitive drawing elements of the Fyne canvas. Next, we look at how layouts can be used to position them within a container.

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