Using comprehensive tools (SPARTA)

To speed up the penetration tester's goal, Kali has SPARTA, which combines multiple tools such as nmap and nikto and allows us to configure. In order to configure SPARTA, you must edit the sparta.conf file located at /etc/Sparta/. When the application is opened, it will check for the configuration; if there is no configuration, it will pick up the default configuration values.

The following items are available in the configuration:

  • tool: This is the unique identifier of the command-line tool, for example, nmap
  • label: This is the text that appears on the context menu
  • command: Normally this should be in non-interactive mode and the full command that you will run using a tool
  • Services: These are the list of services that need to be run during the automatic run; for example, if you configure to run nmap and when port 80 is identified automatically run nikto
  • Protocol: Either TCP or UDP are the services that the tool should run on
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