Detection of web application firewall and load balancers

The next step is to identify the presence of network-based protective devices, such as firewalls, IDS/IPS, and honeypots. An increasingly common protective device is the Web Application Firewall (WAF).

If a WAF is being used, testers will need to ensure that the attacks, especially those that rely on crafted input, are encoded to bypass the WAF.

WAFs can be identified by manually inspecting cookies (some WAFs tag or modify the cookies that are communicated between the web server and the client), or by changes to the header information (identified when a tester connects to port 80 using a command-line tool such as Telnet).

The process of WAF detection can be automated using the nmap script http-waf-detect.nse, as shown in the following screenshot:

The nmap script identifies that a WAF is present; however, testing of the script has demonstrated that it is not always accurate in its findings, and that the returned data may be too general to guide an effective strategy to bypass the firewall.

The wafw00f script is an automated tool to identify and fingerprint web-based firewalls; testing has determined that it is the most accurate tool for this purpose. The script is easy to invoke from Kali, and ample output is shown in the following screenshot:

Load balancing detector (lbd) is a Bash shell script that determines whether a given domain uses DNS and/or HTTP load balancing. This is important information from the perspective of a tester, as it can explain seemingly anomalous results that occur when one server is tested, and then the load balancer switches requests to a different server. lbd uses a variety of checks to identify the presence of load balancing. A sample output is shown in the following screenshot:

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