The Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF)

BeEF is an exploitation tool that focuses on a specific client-side application, the webbrowser.BeEF allows an attacker to inject a JavaScript code into a vulnerable HTML code using an attack such as XSS or SQL injection. This exploit code is known as hook. A compromise is achieved when the hook is executed by the browser. The browser (zombie) connects back to the BeEF application, which serves JavaScript commands or modules to the browser.

BeEF's modules perform tasks such as the following:

  • Fingerprinting and the reconnaissance of compromised browsers. It can also be used as a platform to assess the presence of exploits and their behavior under different browsers.
Note that BeEF allows us to hook multiple browsers on the same client, as well as multiple clients across a domain, and then manage them during the exploitation and post exploitation phases.
  • Fingerprinting the target host, including the presence of virtual machines.
  • Detecting software on the client (Internet Explorer only) and obtaining a list of the directories in the Program Files and Program Files (x86) directories. This may identify other applications that can be exploited to consolidate our hold on the client.
  • Taking photos using the compromised system's webcam; these photos have a significant impact in reports.
  • Conducting searches of the victim's data files and stealing data that may contain authentication credentials (clipboard content and browser cookies) or other useful information.
  • Implementing browser keystroke logging.
  • Conducting network reconnaissance using ping sweeps and fingerprint network appliances and scanning for open ports.
  • Launching attacks from the Metasploit framework.
  • Using the tunneling proxy extension to attack the internal network using the security authority of the compromised web browser.

Because BeEF is written in Ruby, it supports multiple operating systems (Linux, Windows, and macOS). More importantly, it is easy to customize new modules in BeEF and extend its functionality.

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