Identifying the external network infrastructure

Once the tester's identity is protected, identifying the devices on the internet-accessible portion of the network is the next critical first step in scanning a network.

Attackers and penetration testers use this information to do the following:

  • Identify devices that may confuse (load balancers) or eliminate (firewalls and packet inspection devices) test results
  • Identify devices with known vulnerabilities
  • Identify the requirement for continuing to implement stealthy scans
  • Gain an understanding of the target's focus on secure architecture and on security in general

traceroute provides basic information on packet filtering abilities; some other applications on Kali include the following:




Uses two DNS and HTTP-based techniques to detect load balancers (shown in the following screenshot)

Identifies universal plug-and-play and UPNP devices


Detects devices and determines the operating systems and their version


Web-based search engine that identifies devices connected to the internet, including those with default passwords, known misconfigurations, and vulnerabilities

Similar to the Shodan search that has already scanned the entire internet, with certificate details, technology information, misconfiguration, and known vulnerabilities


The following screenshot shows the results obtained on running the lbd script against Facebook; as you can see, Google uses both DNS-Loadbalancing as well as HTTP-Loadbalancing on its site. From a penetration tester's perspective, this information could be used to explain why spurious results are obtained, as the load balancer shifts a particular tool's activity from one server to another. The following screenshot displays the HTTP-load balancing:

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