Technical requirements

In this chapter, you'll need database instances to run our examples. The most effective way to run and work with a database for testing purposes is to use Docker. You can install databases locally, but seeing as we'll also need Docker for the remaining chapters, it's best to install and use it from this chapter.

We will use the following official images from Docker Hub:

  • postgres:11
  • mysql:8
  • redis:5
  • mongo:4
  • amazon/dynamodb-local:latest

You can get to know more about these images on the Docker Hub repository pages:

We will also use the DynamoDB database, which is provided as part of Amazon Web Services:

If you want to interact with databases to check whether our examples work successfully, you'll also have to install the corresponding clients for each database.

You can find all of the examples for this chapter in the Chapter07 folder on GitHub:

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