Tasks handler

tasks_handler locks a Mutex with IndexMap to iterate over all Record values to render them as a part of the Tasks struct:

fn tasks_handler(req: HttpRequest<State>) -> impl Future<Item = HttpResponse, Error = WebError> {
let tasks: Vec<_> = req
let tmpl = Tasks { tasks };

If you remember, we added thaskama crate to render templates. Create a templates folder in the root of project and add a tasks.html file with some HTML code that contains at least the following rendering table:

<th>Task ID</th>
{% for task in tasks %}
<td>{{ task.task_id }}</td>
<td>{{ task.timestamp }}</td>
<td>{{ task.status }}</td>
{% endfor %}

This is a part of the full template that you can find in the examples folder for this book, but the preceding code contains code for rendering a table with all the tasks extracted from the Tasks struct, which is  implemented as follows:

#[template(path = "tasks.html")]
struct Tasks {
tasks: Vec<Record>,

Derive the Template type for this struct and attach the template with the template attribute. askama will embed the template into your code. That's very convenient.

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