Minimal amount of runtime errors

There are many languages suitable for creating microservices, but not every language has a reliable design to keep you from making mistakes. Most interpreted dynamic languages let you write flexible code that decides on the fly which field of the object to get and which function to call. You can often even override the rules of function calling by adding meta-information to objects. This is vital in meta-programming or in cases where your data drives the behavior of the runtime.

The dynamic approach, however, has significant drawbacks for the software, which requires reliability rather than flexibility. This is because any inaccuracy in the code causes the application to crash. The first time you try to use Rust, you may feel that it lacks flexibility. This is not true, however; the difference is in the approach you use to achieve flexibility. With Rust, all your rules must be strict. If you create enough abstractions to cover all of the cases your application might face, you will get the flexibility you want.

Rust rookies who come from the JavaScript or the Python world might notice that they have to declare every case of serialization/deserialization of data, whereas with dynamic languages, you can simply unpack any input data to the free-form object and explore the content later. You actually have to check all cases of inconsistency during runtime and try and work out what consequences could be caused if you change one field and remove another. With Rust, the compiler checks everything, including the type, the existence, and the corresponding format. The most important thing here is the type, because you can't compile a program that uses incompatible types. With other languages, this sometimes leads to strange compilation errors such as a case where you have two types for the same crate but the types are incompatible because they were declared in different versions of the same crate. Only Rust protects you from shooting yourself in the foot in this way. In fact, different versions can have different rules of serialization/deserialization for a type, even if both declarations have the same data layout. 

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