Building a Docker image with a microservice

In the first part of this chapter, we will build a Docker image with the necessary version of the Rust compiler and build an image with a compiled microservice. We will use a set of microservices from other chapters to show how to join microservices created with different frameworks. We will use the users, emails, and content microservices from Chapter 9Simple REST Definition and Request Routing with Frameworks and the router microservice from Chapter 11, Involving Concurrency with Actors and Actix Crate, and we'll also tune them to be configurable. Also, we will add a dbsync microservice, which will do all of the necessary migrations to a database, because we will use two microservices that use the database with the diesel crate and there will be a conflict if both microservices try to apply migrations for their own schema. That's because we'll use a single database, but if you use separate databases (not necessarily different database management applications, but only database files) for every microservice, you can use an individual migration set for every database. It's time to prepare an image with the nightly Rust compiler.

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