Creating an image with the Rust compiler

There are many ready-to-use images on Docker Hub. You can also find an official image here: But we will create our own image since official images contain a stable compiler version only. If it's enough for you, it's better to use official images, but if you use crates such as diesel, which need the nightly version of the Rust compiler, you will have to build your own image to build microservices.

Create a new Dockerfile and add the following content to it:

FROM buildpack-deps:stretch

ENV RUSTUP_HOME=/usr/local/rustup

RUN set -eux;
wget "$url";
chmod +x rustup-init;
./rustup-init -y --no-modify-path --default-toolchain nightly;
rm rustup-init;
rustup --version;
cargo --version;
rustc --version;

I've borrowed this Dockerfile from the official Rust Docker image located here: This file is a good starting point for good practices when creating images with the Rust compiler.

Our Rust image is based on the buildpack-deps image, which contains all of the necessary dependencies commonly used by developers. This dependency is indicated in the first line with the FROM command.

buildpack-deps is an official Docker image based on Ubuntu (a free open-source Linux distribution based on Debian). The image includes a lot of headers for libraries such as OpenSSL and curl, and packages with all of the necessary certificates, and so on. It's very useful as a build environment for your Docker images.

The next line, which contains the ENV command, sets three environment variables in the image:

  • RUSTUP_HOME: Sets the root folder of the rustup utility, which contains a configuration and installs toolchains
  • CARGO_HOME: Contains cached files used by the cargo utility
  • PATH: The system environment variable that contains paths to executable binaries

We target all utilities to the /usr/local folder by setting these environment variables.

We use the rustup utility here to bootstrap the Rust environment. It's an official Rust installation tool that helps you to maintain and keep multiple Rust installations up-to-date. In my opinion, using rustup is the best way to install Rust locally or in a container.

The last Dockerfile command, RUN, is complex and we will analyze this set of commands line by line. The first shell command is the following:

set -eux

Since the default shell in Ubuntu is the Bash shell, we can set three useful flags:

  • -e: This flag tells the shell to run the next line (command) only if the previous one finished successfully
  • -u: With this flag, the shell will print an error to stderr if the command tries to expand a variable that is not set
  • -x: With this flag, the shell will print every command to stderr before running it

The next three lines download the rustup-init binary and set the executable flag to the downloaded file:

wget "$url";
chmod +x rustup-init;

The next pair runs the rustup-init command with parameters and removes the binary after running:

./rustup-init -y --no-modify-path --default-toolchain nightly; 
rm rustup-init;

The following flags were used:

  • -y: Suppresses any confirmation prompts
  • --no-modify-path: Won't modify the PATH environment variable (we set it manually before, for the image)
  • --default-toolchain: The type of the default toolchain (we will use nightly)

The remaining lines set write permissions to the RUSTUP_HOME and CARGO_HOME folders and print the version for all the installed tools:

rustup --version;
cargo --version;
rustc --version;

Now you can build the Dockerfile to get an image that contains the preconfigured Rust compiler:

docker build -t rust:nightly  .

This command takes some time to complete, but after it has finished, you will have an image that you can use as a base for building images for microservices. If you type the docker images command, you will see something like this:

REPOSITORY   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED             SIZE
rust nightly 91e52fb2cea5 About an hour ago 1.67GB

Now we will use the image tagged as rust:nightly and create images for microservices from it. Let's start by creating an image for the users microservice.

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