More detail

If we go back to the One Field predictor, we can see again that Watson has provided our predictor with a corresponding snapshot visualization that contains information about the predictor and how it affects the target. The color of the circle in the spiral visualization is also found in the corresponding detailed visualization. In our prediction, the blue circle in the spiral visualization for the Initiator predictor is included in the corresponding detailed visualization for the Initiator, as shown in the following screenshot:

You can click on the visualization to see it in more detail on the Main Insight page. The Main Insight page for the Initiator is shown in the following screenshot:

Main Insight page for the Initiator

You can examine the top insights that were derived by Watson Analytics in its analysis. You can then go to the Details page to drill further into the details for the individual fields and interactions. Both pages provide links to change the display and provide additional details, which might reveal some points of interest that could be useful for further investigations.

For example, on the Details page, we might see the following statement:

We might also see the following Statistical Details:

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