
We've already peeked at the data and loaded it into Watson Analytics. The next step (as we've done in most of our projects so far) is to perform a more detailed review of that data using functionality provided by Watson Analytics.

In earlier projects—such as Chapter 3An Automated Supply Chain Scenario—we initiated a formal Watson Analytics Explore, but just for fun let's take a slightly different approach for this project, here in this chapter:

This time, let us simply click on the panel labeled combine  as depicted in the previous screenshot, rather than on Add, Create New, (Explore).

Simply clicking on the panel results in Watson Analytics providing us with some suggested starting points to help us explore our data through questioning, just like when we started by creating an Explore. This method is sort of a quick-start version of the Watson Analytics Explore and exposes the following Here are some starting points for 'combine' display:

With our data file (combine), we currently have the objective of identifying patterns that can be used to assign player positions with the most accuracy. With this squarely in our minds, we can ask the question, what affects position?:

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