The prediction workflow

The prediction workflow is as follows:

  1. Add a data source.
  2. Analyze the data source by creating a prediction.
  1. Select up to five target fields that you want to predict. A target is a variable from your dataset that you want to understand. The target fields' outcomes are influenced by other fields (input fields) in the data. Watson Analytics automatically selects a target, but you can override this choice if another field is more important to you.
  2. Watson Analytics automatically analyzes the data as the last step of the creation of your prediction.
  3. When the prediction is ready, view the results. On the Top Predictors page, select a predictor that is interesting and open its visualization.
  4. On the Main Insight page for the predictor that you chose, examine the top insights that were derived from the analysis.
  5. Go to a Details page to drill into the details for the individual fields and interactions.
After you view the results, you might want to customize the prediction. You could try reducing the number of inputs to focus on the inputs that are most important. Refine the targets.
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