Leveraging (new) data to identify risk

For some time now, the public has embraced the idea that patients who are engaged in their own care and well-being are ultimately healthier than those who are not active in that role. In fact, health insurance companies have worked to increase individuals' engagement levels by creating incentives, social media campaigns, and targeted education that aims to encourage healthier lifestyles, regular wellness visits, and chronic disease management, all with the objective of educating beneficiaries on the critical role they play in preserving their own health.

As these programs take hold, there is the opportunity for a dialoguing process, as well as using that dialog to glean new insights. The investigation and measurement of this type of information is an exciting prospect, and part of an evolution from delivering care to patients to partnering with patients to prevent unhealthy consequences.

In the next section, we will describe a dataset that is derived from various patient dialoguing sessions.

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