Exploring the dialog data

So, if you are not sure of the next steps that you should take, you can use the Watson Analytics Explore function to keep moving forward. As a reminder, you can use Explore to develop questions to ask about the data (and identify some possible predictive drivers).

So, from the Welcome page, we can click Explore and select our data. Watson Analytics asks us What do you want to explore in "Dialog_Info"? and then lists a number of possible questions, as shown in the following screenshot:

Rather than use one of Watson's suggestions, let's think. Can we simply ask Watson What drives the number of illnesses? Yes, we can. If we type this into the search bar (as shown in the following screenshot), Watson provides some possible predicted questions:

Some of the predicted questions are quite helpful, driving more thought on our part, such as What is the summary of Number of Illness? and How are the values of Number of Illnesses and CaregiverTotalTime associated?. Just reading through these prompts sparks more thoughts and questions that we could ask Watson, but for now, let's do some more exploring by clicking on some of the prompts. If we start with the summary question (What is the summary of Number of Illnesses), then we may not be too impressed, as you might guess from looking at the following screenshot:

But across the top of the page, there is a band of useful information that is based upon our selection, as shown in the following screenshot:

A good example is How do the values of Number of Illnesses compare by Do you use recreational drugs? Clicking on that image will open up the details, as shown in the following screenshot:

From this visualization, we can see a slight increase in the number of illnesses for patients that admit to medium or moderate recreational drug use (one might also presume that the answer No Comment might also implies similar drug use!).

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