Scheduled trading and portfolio rebalancing

We will use the custom MeanReversion factor developed in the last chapter—see the implementation in

The Pipeline created by the compute_factors() method returns a table with a long and a short column for the 25 stocks with the largest negative and positive deviations of their last monthly return from its annual average, normalized by the standard deviation. It also limited the universe to the 500 stocks with the highest average trading volume over the last 30 trading days. before_trading_start() ensures the daily execution of the pipeline and the recording of the results, including the current prices.

The new rebalance() method submits trade orders to the exec_trades() method for the assets flagged for long and short positions by the pipeline with equal positive and negative weights. It also divests any current holdings that are no longer included in the factor signals:

def exec_trades(data, assets, target_percent):
"""Place orders for assets using target portfolio percentage"""
for asset in assets:
if data.can_trade(asset) and not get_open_orders(asset):
order_target_percent(asset, target_percent)

def rebalance(context, data):
"""Compute long, short and obsolete holdings; place trade orders"""
factor_data = context.factor_data
assets = factor_data.index

longs = assets[factor_data.longs]
shorts = assets[factor_data.shorts]
divest = context.portfolio.positions.keys() - longs.union(shorts)

exec_trades(data, assets=divest, target_percent=0)
exec_trades(data, assets=longs, target_percent=1 / N_LONGS)
exec_trades(data, assets=shorts, target_percent=-1 / N_SHORTS)

The rebalance() method runs according to date_rules and time_rules set by the schedule_function() utility at the beginning of the week, right after market_open as stipulated by the built-in US_EQUITIES calendar (see docs for details on rules). You can also specify a trade commission both in relative terms and as a minimum amount. There is also an option to define slippage, which is the cost of an adverse change in price between trade decision and execution:

def initialize(context):
"""Setup: register pipeline, schedule rebalancing,
and set trading params"""
attach_pipeline(compute_factors(), 'factor_pipeline')

set_commission(us_equities=commission.PerShare(cost=0.00075, min_trade_cost=.01))
set_slippage(us_equities=slippage.VolumeShareSlippage(volume_limit=0.0025, price_impact=0.01))

The algorithm continues to execute after calling the run_algorithm() function and returns the same backtest performance DataFrame. We will now turn to common measures of portfolio return and risk, and how to compute them using the pyfolio library.

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