Strengths and weaknesses of decision trees

Regression and classification trees take a very different approach to prediction when compared to the linear models we have explored so far. How do you decide which model is more suitable to the problem at hand? Consider the following:

  • If the relationship between the outcome and the features is approximately linear (or can be transformed accordingly), then linear regression will likely outperform a more complex method, such as a decision tree that does not exploit this linear structure.
  • If the relationship appears highly non-linear and more complex, decision trees will likely outperform the classical models.

Several advantages have made decision trees very popular:

  • They are fairly straightforward to understand and to interpret, not least because they can be easily visualized and are thus more accessible to a non-technical audience. Decision trees are also referred to as white-box models given the high degree of transparency about how they arrive at a prediction. Black-box models, such as ensembles and neural networks may deliver better prediction accuracy but the decision logic is often much more challenging to understand and interpret.
  • Decision trees require less data preparation than models that make stronger assumptions about the data or are more sensitive to outliers and require data standardization (such as regularized regression). 
  • Some decision tree implementations handle categorical input, do not require the creation of dummy variables (improving memory efficiency), and can work with missing values, as we will see in Chapter 11, Gradient Boosting Machines, but this is not the case for sklearn.
  • Prediction is fast because it is logarithmic in the number of leaf nodes (unless the tree becomes extremely unbalanced).
  • It is possible to validate the model using statistical tests and account for its reliability (see GitHub references).

Decision trees also have several key disadvantages:

  • Decision trees have a built-in tendency to overfit to the training set and produce a high generalization error. Key steps to address this weakness are pruning (not yet supported by sklearn) as well as regularization using the various early-stopping criteria outlined in the previous section.
  • Closely related is the high variance of decision trees that results from their ability to closely adapt to a training set so that minor variations in the data can produce wide swings in the structure of the decision trees and, consequently, the predictions the model generates. The key mechanism to address the high variance of decision trees is the use of an ensemble of randomized decision trees that have low bias and produce uncorrelated prediction errors.
  • The greedy approach to decision-tree learning optimizes based on local criteria, that is, to reduce the prediction error at the current node and does not guarantee a globally optimal outcome. Again, ensembles consisting of randomized trees help to mitigate this problem.
  • Decision trees are also sensitive to unbalanced class weights and may produce biased trees. One option is to oversample the underrepresented or under-sample the more frequent class. It is typically better, though, to use class weights and directly adjust the objective function.
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