SHapley Additive exPlanations

At the 2017 NIPS conference, Scott Lundberg and Su-In Lee from the University of Washington presented a new and more accurate approach to explaining the contribution of individual features to the output of tree ensemble models called SHapley Additive exPlanations, or SHAP values.

This new algorithm departs from the observation that feature-attribution methods for tree ensembles, such as the ones we looked at earlier, are inconsistent—that is, a change in a model that increases the impact of a feature on the output can lower the importance values for this feature (see the references on GitHub for detailed illustrations of this). 

SHAP values unify ideas from collaborative game theory and local explanations, and have been shown to be theoretically optimal, consistent, and locally accurate based on expectations. Most importantly, Lundberg and Lee have developed an algorithm that manages to reduce the complexity of computing these model-agnostic, additive feature-attribution methods from O(TLDM) to O(TLD2), where T and M are the number of trees and features, respectively, and D and L are the maximum depth and number of leaves across the trees. This important innovation permits the explanation of predictions from previously intractable models with thousands of trees and features in a fraction of a second. An open source implementation became available in late 2017 and is compatible with XGBoostLightGBMCatBoost, and sklearn tree models

Shapley values originated in game theory as a technique for assigning a value to each player in a collaborative game that reflects their contribution to the team's success. SHAP values are an adaptation of the game theory concept to tree-based models and are calculated for each feature and each sample. They measure how a feature contributes to the model output for a given observation. For this reason, SHAP values provide differentiated insights into how the impact of a feature varies across samples, which is important given the role of interaction effects in these nonlinear models.

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