Principal Component Analysis

PCA finds principal components as linear combinations of the existing features and uses these components to represent the original data. The number of components is a hyperparameter that determines the target dimensionality and needs to be equal to or smaller than the number of observations or columns, whichever is smaller.

PCA aims to capture most of the variance in the data, to make it easy to recover the original features and so that each component adds information. It reduces dimensionality by projecting the original data into the principal component space.

The PCA algorithm works by identifying a sequence of principal components, each of which aligns with the direction of maximum variance in the data after accounting for variation captured by previously-computed components. The sequential optimization also ensures that new components are not correlated with existing components so that the resulting set constitutes an orthogonal basis for a vector space.

This new basis corresponds to a rotated version of the original basis so that the new axis point in the direction of successively decreasing variance. The decline in the amount of variance of the original data explained by each principal component reflects the extent of correlation among the original features.

The number of components that capture, for example, 95% of the original variation relative to the total number of features provides an insight into the linearly-independent information in the original data.

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