Query string usage

Query strings should be used when we need to request data from a web server using the GET method. Note that they cannot be used to send data to the web server using the POST method.

We will learn more about the GET and POST Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) methods in the next chapter, that is, Chapter 8, Creating Web API Applications.

Information that is passed in a query string is susceptible and can be tampered with by hackers. Please make sure you're not using query strings to pass important data. It must also be noted that an unsuspecting user can bookmark the URL or send the URL to other users, thereby passing that sensitive data in the URL along with it.

Query strings, cookies, and hidden fields are examples of client-side state management options, but most web applications will need to manage the state from the server side. The next section looks at the options you have for managing the state of the application from the server.

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