Implementing a decision tree from scratch

With a solid understanding of partitioning evaluation metrics, let's practice the CART tree algorithm by hand on a toy dataset:

To begin, we decide on the first splitting point, the root, by trying out all possible values for each of the two features. We utilize the weighted_impurity function we just defined to calculate the weighted Gini Impurity for each possible combination as follows:

Gini(interest, tech) = weighted_impurity([[1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) = 0.405
Gini(interest, Fashion) = weighted_impurity([[0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0, 1]]) = 0.343
Gini(interest, Sports) = weighted_impurity([[0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1, 0]]) = 0.486
Gini(occupation, professional) = weighted_impurity([[0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]]) = 0.405
Gini(occupation, student) = weighted_impurity([[0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]]) = 0.405
Gini(occupation, retired) = weighted_impurity([[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [1]]) = 0.429

The root goes to the user interest feature with the fashion value, as this combination achieves the lowest weighted impurity, or the highest Information Gain. We can now build the first level of the tree as follows:

If we are satisfied with a one-level-deep tree, we can stop here by assigning the right branch label 0 and the left branch label 1 as the majority class. Alternatively, we can go further down the road, constructing the second level from the left branch (the right branch cannot be further split):

Gini(interest, tech) = weighted_impurity([[0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]) = 0.467
Gini(interest, Sports) = weighted_impurity([[1, 1, 0], [0, 1]]) = 0.467
Gini(occupation, professional) = weighted_impurity([[0, 1, 0], [1, 1]]) = 0.267
Gini(occupation, student) = weighted_impurity([[1, 0, 1], [0, 1]]) = 0.467
Gini(occupation, retired) = weighted_impurity([[1, 0, 1, 1], [0]]) = 0.300

With the second splitting point specified by (occupation, professional) with the lowest Gini Impurity, our tree becomes this:

We can repeat the splitting process as long as the tree does not exceed the maximum depth and the node contains enough samples.

It is now time for coding after the process of tree construction has been made clear.

We start with the criterion of the best splitting point; the calculation of the weighted impurity of two potential children is what we defined previously, while that of two metrics are slightly different. The inputs now become NumPy arrays for computational efficiency:

>>> def gini_impurity_np(labels):
... # When the set is empty, it is also pure
... if labels.size == 0:
... return 0
... # Count the occurrences of each label
... counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True)[1]
... fractions = counts / float(len(labels))
... return 1 - np.sum(fractions ** 2)

Also, take a look at the following code:

>>> def entropy_np(labels):
... # When the set is empty, it is also pure
... if labels.size == 0:
... return 0
... counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True)[1]
... fractions = counts / float(len(labels))
... return - np.sum(fractions * np.log2(fractions))

Also update the weighted_impurity function as follows:

>>> def weighted_impurity(groups, criterion='gini'):
... """
... Calculate weighted impurity of children after a split
... @param groups: list of children, and a child consists a list
of class labels
... @param criterion: metric to measure the quality of a split,
'gini' for Gini Impurity or 'entropy' for Information Gain
... @return: float, weighted impurity
... """
... total = sum(len(group) for group in groups)
... weighted_sum = 0.0
... for group in groups:
... weighted_sum += len(group) / float(total) *
... return weighted_sum

Next, we define a utility function to split a node into left and right children based on a feature and a value:

>>> def split_node(X, y, index, value):
... """
... Split dataset X, y based on a feature and a value
... @param X: numpy.ndarray, dataset feature
... @param y: numpy.ndarray, dataset target
... @param index: int, index of the feature used for splitting
... @param value: value of the feature used for splitting
... @return: list, list, left and right child, a child is in the
format of [X, y]
... """
... x_index = X[:, index]
... # if this feature is numerical
... if X[0, index].dtype.kind in ['i', 'f']:
... mask = x_index >= value
... # if this feature is categorical
... else:
... mask = x_index == value
... # split into left and right child
... left = [X[~mask, :], y[~mask]]
... right = [X[mask, :], y[mask]]
... return left, right
We check whether the feature is numerical or categorical and split the data accordingly.

With the splitting measurement and generation functions available, we now define the greedy search function, which tries out all possible splits and returns the best one given a selection criterion, along with the resulting children:

>>> def get_best_split(X, y, criterion):
... """
... Obtain the best splitting point and resulting children for
the dataset X, y
... @param X: numpy.ndarray, dataset feature
... @param y: numpy.ndarray, dataset target
... @param criterion: gini or entropy
... @return: dict {index: index of the feature, value: feature
value, children: left and right children}
... """
... best_index, best_value, best_score, children =
None, None, 1, None
... for index in range(len(X[0])):
... for value in np.sort(np.unique(X[:, index])):
... groups = split_node(X, y, index, value)
... impurity = weighted_impurity(
[groups[0][1], groups[1][1]], criterion)
... if impurity < best_score:
... best_index, best_value, best_score, children =
index, value, impurity, groups
... return {'index': best_index, 'value': best_value,
'children': children}

The selection and splitting process occurs in a recursive manner on each of the subsequent children. When a stopping criterion is met, the process stops at a node and the major label will be assigned to this leaf node:

>>> def get_leaf(labels):
... # Obtain the leaf as the majority of the labels
... return np.bincount(labels).argmax()

And finally, the recursive function links all these together:

  • It assigns a leaf node if one of two child nodes is empty
  • It assigns a leaf node if the current branch depth exceeds the maximum depth allowed
  • It assigns a leaf node if it does not contain sufficient samples required for a further split
  • Otherwise, it proceeds with a further split with the optimal splitting point

This is done with the following function:

>>> def split(node, max_depth, min_size, depth, criterion):
... """
... Split children of a node to construct new nodes or assign
them terminals
... @param node: dict, with children info
... @param max_depth: int, maximal depth of the tree
... @param min_size: int, minimal samples required to further
split a child
... @param depth: int, current depth of the node
... @param criterion: gini or entropy
... """
... left, right = node['children']
... del (node['children'])
... if left[1].size == 0:
... node['right'] = get_leaf(right[1])
... return
... if right[1].size == 0:
... node['left'] = get_leaf(left[1])
... return
... # Check if the current depth exceeds the maximal depth
... if depth >= max_depth:
... node['left'], node['right'] =
get_leaf(left[1]), get_leaf(right[1])
... return
... # Check if the left child has enough samples
... if left[1].size <= min_size:
... node['left'] = get_leaf(left[1])
... else:
... # It has enough samples, we further split it
... result = get_best_split(left[0], left[1], criterion)
... result_left, result_right = result['children']
... if result_left[1].size == 0:
... node['left'] = get_leaf(result_right[1])
... elif result_right[1].size == 0:
... node['left'] = get_leaf(result_left[1])
... else:
... node['left'] = result
... split(node['left'], max_depth, min_size,
depth + 1, criterion)
... # Check if the right child has enough samples
... if right[1].size <= min_size:
... node['right'] = get_leaf(right[1])
... else:
... # It has enough samples, we further split it
... result = get_best_split(right[0], right[1], criterion)
... result_left, result_right = result['children']
... if result_left[1].size == 0:
... node['right'] = get_leaf(result_right[1])
... elif result_right[1].size == 0:
... node['right'] = get_leaf(result_left[1])
... else:
... node['right'] = result
... split(node['right'], max_depth, min_size,
depth + 1, criterion)

Finally, the entry point of the tree's construction is as follows:

>>> def train_tree(X_train, y_train, max_depth, min_size,
... """
... Construction of a tree starts here
... @param X_train: list of training samples (feature)
... @param y_train: list of training samples (target)
... @param max_depth: int, maximal depth of the tree
... @param min_size: int, minimal samples required to further
split a child
... @param criterion: gini or entropy
... """
... X = np.array(X_train)
... y = np.array(y_train)
... root = get_best_split(X, y, criterion)
... split(root, max_depth, min_size, 1, criterion)
... return root

Now, let's test it with the preceding hand-calculated example:

>>> X_train = [['tech', 'professional'],
... ['fashion', 'student'],
... ['fashion', 'professional'],
... ['sports', 'student'],
... ['tech', 'student'],
... ['tech', 'retired'],
... ['sports', 'professional']]
>>> y_train = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]
>>> tree = train_tree(X_train, y_train, 2, 2)

To verify that the resulting tree from the model is identical to what we constructed by hand, we write a function displaying the tree:

>>> CONDITION = {'numerical': {'yes': '>=', 'no': '<'},
... 'categorical': {'yes': 'is', 'no': 'is not'}}
>>> def visualize_tree(node, depth=0):
... if isinstance(node, dict):
... if node['value'].dtype.kind in ['i', 'f']:
... condition = CONDITION['numerical']
... else:
... condition = CONDITION['categorical']
... print('{}|- X{} {} {}'.format(depth * ' ',
node['index'] + 1, condition['no'], node['value']))
... if 'left' in node:
... visualize_tree(node['left'], depth + 1)
... print('{}|- X{} {} {}'.format(depth * ' ',
node['index'] + 1, condition['yes'], node['value']))
... if 'right' in node:
... visualize_tree(node['right'], depth + 1)
... else:
... print('{}[{}]'.format(depth * ' ', node))
>>> visualize_tree(tree)
|- X1 is not fashion
|- X2 is not professional
|- X2 is professional
|- X1 is fashion

We can test it with a numerical example as follows:

>>> X_train_n = [[6, 7],
... [2, 4],
... [7, 2],
... [3, 6],
... [4, 7],
... [5, 2],
... [1, 6],
... [2, 0],
... [6, 3],
... [4, 1]]
>>> y_train_n = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
>>> tree = train_tree(X_train_n, y_train_n, 2, 2)
>>> visualize_tree(tree)
|- X2 < 4
|- X1 < 7
|- X1 >= 7
|- X2 >= 4
|- X1 < 2
|- X1 >= 2

The resulting trees from our decision tree model are the same as those we hand-crafted.

Now that we have a more solid understanding of decision trees by implementing one from scratch, we can try the decision tree package from scikit-learn, which is already well developed and optimized:

>>> from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
>>> tree_sk = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='gini',
max_depth=2, min_samples_split=2)
>>>, y_train_n)

To visualize the tree we just built, we utilize the built-in export_graphviz function, as follows:

>>> export_graphviz(tree_sk, out_file='',
feature_names=['X1', 'X2'], impurity=False, filled=True,
class_names=['0', '1'])

Running this will generate a file called, which can be converted to a PNG image file using Graphviz (introduction and installation instructions can be found at by running the following command in the terminal:

dot -Tpng -o tree.png

Refer to the following screenshot for the result:

The generated tree is essentially the same as the one we had before.

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