Overfitting, underfitting, and the bias-variance trade-off

Overfitting is a very important concept, hence, we're discussing it here, early in this book. 

If we go through many practice questions for an exam, we may start to find ways to answer questions that have nothing to do with the subject material. For instance, given only five practice questions, we find that if there are two occurrences of potatoes, one tomato, and three occurrences of banana in a question, the answer is always A and if there is one potato, three occurrences of tomato, and two occurrences of banana in a question, the answer is always B, then we conclude this is always true and apply such a theory later on, even though the subject or answer may not be relevant to potatoes, tomatoes, or bananas. Or even worse, you may memorize the answers to each question verbatim. We can then score high on the practice questions; we do so with the hope that the questions in the actual exams will be the same as the practice questions. However, in reality, we'll score very low on the exam questions as it's rare that the exact same questions will occur in the exams.

The phenomenon of memorization can cause overfitting. This can occur when we're over extracting too much information from the training sets and making our model just work well with them, which is called low bias in machine learning. In case you need a quick recap of bias, here it is: Bias is the difference between the average prediction and the true value. It's computed as follows:

Here,  is the prediction. At the same time, however, overfitting won't help us to generalize with data and derive true patterns from it. The model, as a result, will perform poorly on datasets that weren't seen before. We call this situation high variance in machine learning. Again, a quick recap of variance: Variance measures the spread of the prediction, which is the variability of the prediction. It can be calculated as follows:

The following example demonstrates what a typical instance of overfitting looks like, where the regression curve tries to flawlessly accommodate all samples:

Overfitting occurs when we try to describe the learning rules based on too many parameters relative to the small number of observations, instead of the underlying relationship, such as the preceding example of potato and tomato where we deduced three parameters from only five learning samples. Overfitting also takes place when we make the model excessively complex so that it fits every training sample, such as memorizing the answers for all questions, as mentioned previously.

The opposite scenario is underfitting. When a model is underfit, it doesn't perform well on the training sets and won't do so on the testing sets, which means it fails to capture the underlying trend of the data. Underfitting may occur if we aren't using enough data to train the model, just like we'll fail the exam if we don't review enough material; it may also happen if we're trying to fit a wrong model to the data, just like we'll score low in any exercises or exams if we take the wrong approach and learn it the wrong way. We call any of these situations high bias in machine learning; although its variance is low as performance in training and test sets are pretty consistent, in a bad way.

The following example shows what a typical underfitting looks like, where the regression curve doesn't fit the data well enough or capture enough of the underlying pattern of the data:

After the overfitting and underfitting example, let's look at what a well-fitting example should look like:

We want to avoid both overfitting and underfitting. Recall bias is the error stemming from incorrect assumptions in the learning algorithm; high bias results in underfitting, and variance measures how sensitive the model prediction is to variations in the datasets. Hence, we need to avoid cases where either bias or variance is getting high. So, does it mean we should always make both bias and variance as low as possible? The answer is yes, if we can. But, in practice, there's an explicit trade-off between them, where decreasing one increases the other. This is the so-called bias-variance trade-off. Sounds abstract? Let's take a look at the next example.

Let's say we're asked to build a model to predict the probability of a candidate being the next president based on phone poll data. The poll was conducted using zip codes. We randomly choose samples from one zip code and we estimate there's a 61% chance the candidate will win. However, it turns out he loses the election. Where did our model go wrong? The first thing we think of is the small size of samples from only one zip code. It's a source of high bias also, because people in a geographic area tend to share similar demographics, although it results in a low variance of estimates. So, can we fix it simply by using samples from a large number of zip codes? Yes, but don't get happy so early. This might cause an increased variance of estimates at the same time. We need to find the optimal sample size—the best number of zip codes to achieve the lowest overall bias and variance.

Minimizing the total error of a model requires a careful balancing of bias and variance. Given a set of training samples x1, x2, …, xn and their targets y1, y2, …, yn, we want to find a regression function  that estimates the true relation as correctly as possible. We measure the error of estimation, how good (or bad) the regression model is mean squared error (MSE):

The E denotes the expectation. This error can be decomposed into bias and variance components following the analytical derivation as shown in the following formula (although it requires a bit of basic probability theory to understand):

The Bias term measures the error of estimations and the Variance term describes how much the estimation  moves around its mean. The more complex the learning model  is and the larger size of training samples, the lower the bias will be. However, these will also create more shift on the model in order to better fit the increased data points. As a result, the variance will be lifted.

We usually employ cross-validation technique as well as regularization and feature reduction to find the optimal model balancing bias and variance and to diminish overfitting.

You may ask why we only want to deal with overfitting: how about underfitting? This is because underfitting can be easily recognized: it occurs as long as the model doesn't work well on a training set. And we need to find a better model or tweak some parameters to better fit the data, which is a must under all circumstances. On the other hand, overfitting is hard to spot. Sometimes, when we achieve a model that performs well on a training set, we're overly happy and think it ready for production right away. This happens all of the time despite how dangerous it could be. We should instead take extra step to make sure the great performance isn't due to overfitting and the great performance applies to data excluding the training data.
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