
Large and small companies all over the world are moving to Docker on Windows and Linux. Some of the main drivers are efficiency, security, and portability. Many new projects are designed from the ground up using containers, but there are many more existing projects that would benefit from the move to Docker.

In this chapter, I've looked at migrating existing apps to Docker on Windows, recommending that you start with an application you know well. A short, time-boxed PoC for Dockerizing that app will quickly show you what your app looks like in Docker. The outcome of that PoC will help you understand what you need to do next and who you need to involve to get that PoC moved into production.

I finished with some very different cases studies, showing you how you can introduce Docker in existing projects. In one case, I used Docker primarily for the packaging benefits to run a monolithic app without changing it, but to power clean upgrades for future releases. In another case, I took one component from a monolithic app and extracted it to run in a container, in order to reduce the testing burden for releases. In the last case, I completely migrated an existing solution to Docker, making it cheaper to run, easier to maintain, and giving me the option to run it anywhere.

I hope this chapter has helped you think about how you can introduce Docker into your own projects, and I hope the rest of this book has shown you what you can do with Docker and why it's such an exciting technology. Thanks for reading, make sure to check out my Pluralsight courses and follow me on Twitter, and good luck in your journey with Docker on Windows!

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