Using volumes for configuration and state

Application state is an important consideration when you're running applications in containers. Containers can be long-running, but they are not intended to be permanent. One of the biggest advantages with containers over traditional compute models is that you can easily replace them, and it only takes a few seconds to do so. When you have a new feature to deploy, or a security vulnerability to patch, you just build and test an upgraded image, stop the old container, and start a replacement from the new image.

Volumes let you manage that upgrade process by keeping your data separate from your application container. I'll demonstrate this with a simple web application that stores the hit count for a page in a text file; each time you browse to the page, the site increments the count.

The Dockerfile for the dockeronwindows/ch02-hitcount-website image uses multi-stage builds, compiling the application using the microsoft/dotnet image, and packaging the final app using microsoft/aspnetcore as the base:

# escape=`
FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.2-sdk-nanoserver-1809 AS builder

COPY src .

USER ContainerAdministrator
RUN dotnet restore && dotnet publish

# app image
FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.2-aspnetcore-runtime-nanoserver-1809

WORKDIR C:dotnetapp
RUN mkdir app-state

CMD ["dotnet", "HitCountWebApp.dll"]
COPY --from=builder C:srcinDebug etcoreapp2.2publish .

In the Dockerfile I create an empty directory at C:dotnetappapp-state, which is where the application will store the hit count in a text file. I've built the first version of the app into an image with the 2e-v1 tag:

docker image build --tag dockeronwindows/ch02-hitcount-website:2e-v1 .

I'll create a directory on the host to use for the container's state, and run a container that mounts the application state directory from a directory on the host:

mkdir C:app-state

docker container run -d --publish-all `
-v C:app-state:C:dotnetappapp-state `
--name appv1 `

The publish-all option tells Docker to publish all the exposed ports from the container image to random ports on the host. This is a quick option for testing containers in a local environment, as Docker will assign a free port from the host and you don't need to worry about which ports are already in use by other containers. You find out the ports a container has published with the container port command:

> docker container port appv1
80/tcp ->

I can browse to the site at http://localhost:51377. When I refresh the page a few times, I'll see the hit count increasing:

Now, when I have an upgraded version of the app to deploy, I can package it into a new image tagged with 2e-v2. When the image is ready, I can stop the old container and start a new one using the same volume mapping:

PS> docker container stop appv1

PS> docker container run -d --publish-all `
-v C:app-state:C:dotnetappapp-state `
--name appv2 `


The volume containing the application state gets reused, so the new version will continue using the saved state from the old version. I have a new container with a new published port. When I fetch the port and browse to it for the first time, I see the updated UI with an attractive icon, but the hit count is carried forward from version 1:

Application state can have structural changes between versions, which is something you will need to manage yourself. The Docker image for the open source Git server, GitLab, is a good example of this. The state is stored in a database on a volume, and when you upgrade to a new version, the app checks the database and runs upgrade scripts if needed.

Application configuration is another way to make use of volume mounts. You can ship your application with a default configuration set built into the image, but users can override the base configuration with their own files using a mount.

You'll see these techniques put to good use in the next chapter.

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