
Use the following problems to test your concurrency programming prowess. I strongly encourage you to give each problem a try before you turn to the solutions and download the example programs:

  1. Interruptible methods: Write a program that exemplifies the best approach for dealing with an interruptible method.
  2. Fork/join framework: Write a program that relies on the fork/join framework to sum the elements of a list. Write a program that relies on the fork/join framework to compute the Fibonacci number at a given position (for example, F12 = 144). In addition, write a program that exemplifies the usage of CountedCompleter.
  3. Fork/join framework and compareAndSetForkJoinTaskTag(): Write a program that applies the fork/join framework to a suite of interdependent tasks that should be executed only once (for example, task D depends on task C and task B, but task C depends on task B as well; therefore, task B must be executed only once, not twice).
  1. CompletableFuture: Write several snippets of code to exemplify asynchronous code via CompletableFuture.
  2. Combining multiple CompletableFuture objects: Write several snippets of code to exemplify different solutions for combining multiple CompletableFuture objects together.
  3. Optimizing busy waiting: Write a proof of concept to exemplify the optimization of a busy waiting technique via onSpinWait().
  4. Task cancellation: Write a proof of concept that exemplifies the usage of a volatile variable for holding the cancellation state of a process.
  5. ThreadLocal: Write a proof of concept that exemplifies the usage of ThreadLocal.
  6. Atomic variables: Write a program that counts the integers from 1 to 1,000,000 using a multithreaded application (Runnable).
  7. ReentrantLock: Write a program that increments the integers from 1 to 1,000,000 using ReentrantLock.
  8. ReentrantReadWriteLock: Write a program that simulates the orchestration of a read-write process via ReentrantReadWriteLock.
  9. StampedLock: Write a program that simulates the orchestration of a read-write process via StampedLock.
  10. Deadlock (dining philosophers): Write a program that reveals and solves the deadlock (circular wait or deadly embrace) that may occur in the famous dining philosophers problem.
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