218. Optimizing busy waiting

The busy waiting technique (also known as busy-looping or spinning) consists of a loop that checks a condition (typically, a flag condition). For example, the following loop waits for a service to start:

private volatile boolean serviceAvailable;
while (!serviceAvailable) {}

Java 9 introduced the Thread.onSpinWait() method. This is a hotspot that gives the JVM a hint that the following code is in a spin loop:

while (!serviceAvailable) {
Intel SSE2 PAUSE instruction is provided precisely for this reason. For more details, see the Intel official documentation. Also have a look at this link: https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/benefitting-power-and-performance-sleep-loops.

If we add this while loop in a context, then we obtain the following class:

public class StartService implements Runnable {

private volatile boolean serviceAvailable;

public void run() {
System.out.println("Wait for service to be available ...");

while (!serviceAvailable) {
// Use a spin-wait hint (ask the processor to
// optimize the resource)
// This should perform better if the underlying
// hardware supports the hint


public void serviceRun() {
System.out.println("Service is running ...");

public void setServiceAvailable(boolean serviceAvailable) {
this.serviceAvailable = serviceAvailable;

And, we can easily test it (do not expect to see the effect of onSpinWait()):

StartService startService = new StartService();
new Thread(startService).start();


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