How to do it...

  1. Navigate to Firewall | NAT.
  2. If the Port Forward tab isn't selected by default, click on Port Forwarding:

  1. Click on the Add button with the down arrow to add a new port forwarding rule.
  1. Leave the Interface set to WAN:

  1. Leave the Protocol set to TCP.
  2. For Destination port range, select SSH in the From port drop-down box.
  3. In the Redirect target IP text field, enter
  4. For Redirect target port, select SSH in the Port drop-down menu.
  5. You can enter a brief description in the Description edit box (for example, NAT rule for Raspberry Pi):

  1. Leave Filter rule association set to Add associated filter rule.
  2. Click on the Save button when done.
  3. Click on the Apply Changes button.

Selecting SSH in the drop-down menus for destination port range and redirect target port causes pfSense to insert the default SSH port (22) as the port to which the rule applies. You could also enter 22 in the adjacent edit box and it would have the same effect.

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