
Customization is often requested by business users to simply add, hide, move, or rename fields displayed on the forms. To handle such requirements, Microsoft D365FO comes with a powerful personalization feature. 

With personalization, a user can change how certain UI elements are displayed in their version of Finance and Operations to best serve their needs. The following are key highlights of the personalization feature:

  • Users can add, hide, move, or rename fields on the form.
  • It is possible to personalize a page and share it with other users by directly exporting the personalized page and asking the other users to navigate to the customized page and import the personalization file that you've created.
  • If a user has admin privileges, they can also manage personalization for other users
  • While the user can make the screens morph the way it suits them to help their productivity, these personalization changes do not impact other users or the underlying code base.
  • The following screenshot shows how users can manage personalization in D365FO:
To learn in detail about the personalization feature, visit the URL at
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