Test automation features in Finance and Operations

Compared to the earlier version of Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations has taken a major leap in providing several automated test capabilities as part of the product.

The following diagram shows two concepts that are related to automated testing: various test cycles, targets, and the corresponding tools that are available in Finance and Operations for automation; and the reduction of automation test counts as you move up the pyramid:

As illustrated, different testing phases (left-hand side) have different targets and tools for automation testing (right-hand side). Overall, the following are the key tools/concepts:

  • RSAT
  • Acceptance Test Library (ATL)
  • Data task automation (DTA)
  • SysTest framework
  • Task recorder-based testing
  • PerfSDK

Let's look at these tools and concepts in detail as we go further.

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