RSAT and Selenium

Ensure that Selenium is installed and configured as per the manuals provided in RSAT:

  1. Download Selenium 3.13.1 ( | Previous Releases (the top-left corner) | 3.13 and then download the ZIP file.
  1. Install the Selenium libraries with the following steps:
    1. Unzip the downloaded file.
    2. Unpack the distSelenium.WebDriver.StrongNamed.3.13.1.nupkg file (to unpack this file, add the .zip suffix to the file and unzip it).
    3. Copy the contents of the Selenium.WebDriver.StrongNamed.3.13.1.nupkglib folder to C:Program Files (x86)Regression Suite Automation ToolCommonExternalSelenium.
    4. Download the Internet Explorer driver version 3.4.0, go back into the browser, open the 3.4 folder, and download
    5. You will get an error on execution if this file is not copied during the running/execution of RSAT:

  1. Unzip the downloaded file and move the IEDriverServer file to C:Program Files (x86)Regression Suite Automation ToolCommonExternalSelenium.
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