Project users

You can grant users various levels of access on an LCS project.

The following table lists various access roles and their purpose:

Role Usage
Project owner Members of this role have access to all the tools in LCS, can add other users in any role, and can delete the project.
Environment manager Members of this role have access to all the tools in LCS and can manage cloud-hosted environments.
Project team member Members of this role have access to all the tools in LCS but can't manage cloud-hosted environments.
Project team member (prospect) Members of this role have limited access to all the tools in an LCS project:
  • Prospects are users who have been added to a project, but who don't have an account in VOICE or an Azure AD account.
  • You can identify that a user is a prospect because a prospect is listed as his or her organization.

Apart from users needing access to a project, you can also create additional types of users (organization users), as explained in the next section.

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