Store That Data - Using Sq(F)Lite To Store Data in a Local Database

The project we'll build in this chapter will be a simple Shopping List app: if you are like me, you might forget things now and then, and while this project will probably not solve your memory issues, it might help you come back from the supermarket with all the groceries you need.

In Chapter 5, Let's Go to the Movies - Getting Data from the Web, you've seen how to retrieve data from a web service. In this chapter, you'll learn how to store data in the device itself. Together, HTTP methods and storing data cover the core functionalities of most business apps: think of an app that keeps an inventory of a store, or an app to keep track of your personal expenses, or a fitness app that measures your exercise time. All these apps have something in common: they store data.

By the end of this chapter, you'll build a fully functional database app, and you'll learn how to do the following: 

  • Use SQLite in Flutter.
  • Create model classes.
  • Show data to users of the app.
  • Use singletons, and perform Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) actions on a local database.

Following the project described in the next few pages, you'll be able to create an app with Flutter that stores data in a local relational database. 

The time required to build the project described here is approximately 3 hours.

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