Let's Go to the Movies - Getting Data from the Web

Who doesn't like movies?

In this chapter, we'll build a movie app. As soon as the user opens the app, it will show a list of movies that are about to come out in cinemas. I love this project for several reasons: it's easy to read, does not require a huge amount of code, and at the same time, contains many incredibly important concepts. These include asynchronous programming in Flutter, reading JSON data from the web, using ListView widgets, and passing data from one screen to another. In short, this project is packed with concepts you're likely to use very often if you keep dealing with Flutter. And you'll be building a full stack real-world app that deals with both the client side and the server side, or the frontend/backend as many people call them.

In particular, the topics we'll cover include the following:

  • Using the HTTP library to retrieve data from a web service
  • Parsing JSON data and transforming it into model objects
  • Adding a ListView to show data
  • Showing a detail screen and passing data through screens
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