Chapter 8. The Future

We have spent a great deal of time demonstrating how to use Buildout to develop, deploy, and maintain Plone sites with a wide variety of.

Now we would like to leave you with a clear path to Plone 4, which is likely to be released around the time this book is published.

It is likely that some of the add-ons we have used in this book do not yet have a corresponding Plone 4 compatible release. We will address that as well.

Before we can safely blast off, we must ensure that our buildouts will execute as successfully in the future as they do now.

In this chapter you will learn:

  • Specifying package versions

  • Executing Buildout in offline mode

  • Analyzing our buildout's contents

  • Staying calm when trouble arises

  • Upgrading to Plone 4

Specifying package versions

We have discussed numerous Buildout recipes in this book, but no Buildout extensions ( until now. A Buildout extension is different from a recipe in a few important ways:

  • Extensions do not define any new sections, whereas recipes are often used within a section (although a section can be defined without a recipe)

  • Extensions are run after Buildout reads its configuration files, but before it executes them

  • Extensions are defined within the buildout section

That being said, you do not need to worry too much about the difference; just be aware of which one you are using.

If you know something is an extension, then it should be defined in the buildout section. If it is a recipe, it should be defined in its own section.

We are going to use the buildout.dumppickedversions ( extension to help us figure out which package's versions are unspecified (which means effectively, we are asking for the latest version).

Logically, we know that versions are unspecified for any package we have added since we configured Plone 3.3.5's package versions in buildout.cfg:

extends =
versions = versions

You may also recall that we assigned the versions section from to our buildout's versions section with versions = versions.

Now we are going to add the buildout.dumppickedversions extension to our buildout, run Buildout, and examine the output.

In 08-future-dumppicked.cfg, we have:

extends = 07-security-cassandra.cfg
extensions = buildout.dumppickedversions

Now run Buildout:

$ bin/buildout -c 08-future-dumppicked.cfg

You should see:

$ bin/buildout -c 08-future-dumppicked.cfg
Getting distribution for buildout.dumppickedversions.
Got buildout.dumppickedversions 0.4.
*************** PICKED VERSIONS ****************
Cheetah = 2.2.1
Paste =
Products.CacheSetup = 1.2.1
#Required by:
#PasteScript 1.7.3
PasteDeploy = 1.3.3
#Required by:
#ZopeSkel 2.16
PasteScript = 1.7.3
#Required by:
#Products.CacheSetup 1.2.1
Products.CMFSquidTool = 1.5.1
*************** /PICKED VERSIONS ***************

This is incredibly useful information.

Assuming that Buildout is executed successfully, and your Plone site works as expected, we can now add all of this version information to our buildout, and be reasonably confident that it will continue to execute successfully.

Without a complete and working Known Good Set (KGS), there exists the possibility that a newer package will be released to the Python Package Index that is not compatible with the rest of our KGS.

This would effectively mean one of the two things, the former of which is more likely:

  • Buildout would fail to complete, citing a version conflict

  • Buildout would complete, but your Plone site would not start citing a traceback

To avoid this, we use a KGS of packages whenever possible.

Because we specified versions = versions in buildout.cfg, we can add additional versions blocks as needed.

In 08-future-versions.cfg, we have:

extends = 08-future-dumppicked.cfg
Cheetah = 2.2.1
Paste =
Products.CacheSetup = 1.2.1
#Required by:
#PasteScript 1.7.3
PasteDeploy = 1.3.3
#Required by:
#ZopeSkel 2.16
PasteScript = 1.7.3
#Required by:
#Products.CacheSetup 1.2.1
Products.CMFSquidTool = 1.5.1

Now, run Buildout:

$ bin/buildout -c 08-future-dumppicked.cfg

You should see:

$ bin/buildout -c 08-future-dumppicked.cfg
*************** PICKED VERSIONS ****************
ZopeSkel = 2.16
*************** /PICKED VERSIONS ***************

You will notice that buildout.dumppickedversions no longer picks any versions (except for ZopeSkel, which may be a bug, as version 2.16 is specified).

Executing Buildout in offline mode

Specifying package versions is critical to creating a KGS.

So, what happens if the Internet goes down and/or you are unable to reach

For this, we have two approaches.

The first, newer approach is to use Buildout's extends cache feature, information about which is available on We will not cover that here, but it is probably worth a look.

In the worst-case scenario though, you can try the following approach.

Inside the code bundle in the versions.cfg file, we have included the contents of

In the event you lose connectivity, or you want to deploy to an environment sans Internet, you need two things:

  • The packages themselves (which reside in the eggs directory)

  • Their version specifications

We already included version specifications for our add-on packages in 08-future-versions.cfg, which we discovered with buildout.dumppickedversions.

Now, we will specify the Plone 3.3.5 package versions in our local versions.cfg, rather than the versions.cfg file located on In buildout.cfg, we have:

extends =
versions = versions

If you add a comment (#) to the beginning of the second line and then add extends = versions.cfg below that, you will have this:

#extends =
extends = versions.cfg
versions = versions

Now execute the last known good configuration with the -o option to indicate offline mode.

You should see:

$ bin/buildout -o -c 08-future-versions.cfg
Updating zope2.
Updating fake eggs
Updating instance.
Updating omelette.
Updating zopepy.
Updating zopeskel.
Updating zeo.
Updating backup.
Updating cron.
Updating cron2.
Updating varnish-install.
Updating varnish.
Updating squid-install.
Updating squid.
Updating env.
Updating instance1.
Updating instance2.
Updating haproxy-install.
Updating haproxy-config.
Updating pound-install.
Updating pound-config.
Updating supervisor.
Updating munin.

In other words, it should execute successfully.

Analyzing the contents of our buildout

In this book, we have created a fairly large buildout, spread across many files. As a result, perhaps you are wondering what it would look like if the same buildout were contained in a single file?

We answer that question in 08-future-final.cfg, which contains the following sections, parameters, and values, presented here along with some commentary about each:

  • Every buildout must define a buildout section:

  • By assigning parameters from various versions sections to the versions parameter in the buildout section, we are able to specify package version numbers:

    versions = versions
  • Every buildout section must have a parts parameter (even if it is empty):

    parts =
  • In Chapter 2, Site Basics, we introduced the collective.recipe.plonesite recipe ( configured in a section called plonesite:

    # Chapter 2
  • In Chapter 3, Appearance, we introduced the collective.recipe.omelette recipe ( configured in a section called omelette. We also demonstrated the use of the zc.recipe.egg recipe ( in the zopepy and zopeskel sections:

    # Chapter 3
  • In Chapter 5, Deployment and Maintenance, we introduced the collective.recipe.backup recipe ( to generate scripts to back up your Plone site's database and also introduced the z3c.recipe.usercrontab recipe ( to automate the execution of these scripts.

  • We also discussed using the plone.recipe.zope2zeoserver recipe ( to configure a ZEO server:

    # Chapter 5
  • In Chapter 6, Optimization, for the purpose of site optimization, we demonstrated the use of the collective.recipe.supervisor (, collective.recipe.template (, hexagonit.recipe.cmmi (, plone.recipe.haproxy (, plone.recipe.squid (, plone.recipe.varnish (, zc.recipe.cmmi (, and zc.recipe.egg recipes within the following sections.

    # Chapter 6
  • We also demonstrated the use of Buildout macros.

  • In Chapter 7, Security, we demonstrated the use of the gocept.recipe.env recipe ( to configure the Zope 2 effective user dynamically:

    # Chapter 7
  • In Chapter 3, we demonstrated how to add a ZopeSkel-generated ( theme package to your buildout:

    # Chapter 3
    develop = src/my.theme
  • In this chapter, we demonstrated how to get a list of packages whose versions have not been specified, by using the buildout.dumppickedversions Buildout extension (

    # Chapter 8
    extensions = buildout.dumppickedversions
  • In Chapter 2, we introduced the Plone buildout (in buildout.cfg), which uses the plone.recipe.zope2install ( and plone.recipe.zope2instance ( recipes to install Zope 2 and configure a Zope 2 instance, respectively:

    recipe = plone.recipe.zope2install
    url = ${versions:zope2-url}
    recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
    zope2-location = ${zope2:location}
    user = admin:admin
    eggs =
  • In Chapter 2, for the purpose of site theming, we added the following packages to the eggs parameter of the instance section:

    # Chapter 2
  • In Chapter 3, we created and demonstrated the use of a very simple theme package on the filesystem:

    # Chapter 3
  • In Chapter 3, we installed an attractive add-on theme package:

    # Chapter 3
  • In Chapter 4, Administration, we demonstrated user and group management with LDAP, as well as how to configure Zope 2 to send a mail to the terminal:

    # Chapter 4
    # Products.PrintingMailHost
  • In Chapter 5, we demonstrated how to rotate Zope 2 log files with iw.rotatezlogs (

    # Chapter 5
  • In Chapter 6, we demonstrated how to configure various cache-related settings easily with the CacheFu ( add-on. We also demonstrated how to produce useful site monitoring graphs with munin.zope ( and Munin:

    # Chapter 6
  • In Chapter 7, we demonstrated how to perform a local roles audit with Cassandra (

    # Chapter 7
  • In the various chapters, we explained the need to configure the zcml parameter in the instance section:

    zcml =
    # Chapter 2
    # Chapter 3
    # Chapter 4
    # Chapter 6
    # Chapter 7
  • Once we added the iw.rotatezlogs package to the eggs parameter of the instance section, we added these parameters to the instance section (which configure additional settings in the zope.conf file):

    # Chapter 5
    zeo-client = True
    event-log-custom =
    %import iw.rotatezlogs
    path ${buildout:directory}/var/log/instance.log
    max-bytes 1MB
    backup-count 5
    access-log-custom =
    %import iw.rotatezlogs
    path ${buildout:directory}/var/log/instance-Z2.log
    max-bytes 1MB
    backup-count 5
  • The plonesite section adds and configures a Plone site in the database whenever Buildout runs:

    # Chapter 2
    recipe = collective.recipe.plonesite
    site-id = Plone
  • The omelette section creates symbolic links from the parts/omelette directory to various packages elsewhere on the filesystem:

    # Chapter 3
    recipe = collective.recipe.omelette
    eggs = ${instance:eggs}
    packages = ${zope2:location}/lib/python
  • The zopepy section creates a bin/zopepy script (Python interpreter) with the instance packages and Zope 2 libraries added to sys.path:

    recipe = zc.recipe.egg
    eggs = ${instance:eggs}
    interpreter = zopepy
    extra-paths = ${zope2:location}/lib/python
    scripts = zopepy
  • The zopeskel section installs ZopeSkel in the buildout:

    recipe = zc.recipe.egg
    dependent-scripts = true
  • The backup, cron, and cron2 sections create backup scripts and cron entries for the purpose of performing backups:

    # Chapter 5
    recipe = collective.recipe.backup
    recipe = z3c.recipe.usercrontab
    command = ${buildout:directory}/bin/backup
    times = 0 0 * * *
    recipe = z3c.recipe.usercrontab
    command = ${buildout:directory}/bin/zeopack
    times = 0 0 1 * *
  • The zeo section installs a ZEO instance:

    recipe = plone.recipe.zope2zeoserver
    zope2-location = ${zope2:location}
    eggs = ${instance:eggs}
    zeo-log-custom =
    %import iw.rotatezlogs
    path ${buildout:directory}/var/log/zeo.log
    max-bytes 1MB
    backup-count 5
  • The haproxy-config section uses the collective.recipe.template recipe to generate a template for HAProxy dynamically, based on the contents of an input template:

    # Chapter 6
    recipe = collective.recipe.template
    input = ${buildout:directory}/templates/
    output = ${buildout:directory}/etc/haproxy.cfg
  • The haproxy-install section downloads and installs HAProxy (which unfortunately cannot be compiled with any of the available CMMI recipes (such as zc.recipe.cmmi) as you may expect it to be):

    recipe = plone.recipe.haproxy
  • The instance1 and instance2 sections demonstrate the use of Buildout macros to easily create duplicate instances based on the instance section, with various parameters changed or added as needed:

    < = instance
    http-address = 8081
    # Chapter 7
    effective-user = ${env:USER}
    http-address =
    < = instance
    http-address = 8082
    # Chapter 7
    effective-user = ${env:USER}
    http-address =
  • The munin section configures a bin/munin script that is used to generate symbolic links from your site's Munin plugins directory to bin/munin (which in turn, produces appropriate output for Munin, based on how it is invoked, that is with the various symbol links).

    recipe = zc.recipe.egg
    eggs = munin.zope
    arguments =
  • The pound-config section uses the collective.recipe.template recipe to generate a template for Pound dynamically based on the contents of an input template:

    recipe = collective.recipe.template
    input = ${buildout:directory}/templates/
    output = ${buildout:directory}/etc/pound.cfg
  • The pound-install section uses the hexagonit.recipe.cmmi recipe to download and install Pound:

    recipe = hexagonit.recipe.cmmi
    url =
    make-targets =
    keep-compile-dir = true
  • The squid-install section uses the zc.recipe.cmmi recipe to download and install Squid:

    recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi
    url =
  • The squid section uses the plone.recipe.squid recipe to configure a Squid configuration file:

    recipe = plone.recipe.squid:instance
    cache-size = 1000
    daemon = ${squid-install:location}/sbin/squid
    backends =
    bind =
  • The following sections provide friendly variable names to access some unfriendly in-length parameters:

    directory = ${buildout:directory}/parts/pound-install__compile__
    config = ${pound:directory}/etc/pound.cfg
    config = ${buildout:directory}/etc/haproxy.cfg
  • The supervisor section configures Supervisor to execute and control all the services in our buildout:

    recipe = collective.recipe.supervisor
    programs =
    #Prio Name Program Params
    00 zeo ${zeo:location}/bin/runzeo
    00 instance1 ${instance1:location}/bin/runzope
    00 instance2 ${instance2:location}/bin/runzope
    00 haproxy ${buildout:directory}/bin/haproxy
    [-f ${haproxy:config} ]
    00 pound ${pound:directory}/Pound-2.4.5/pound
    [-f ${pound:config} ]
    00 varnish ${buildout:directory}/bin/varnish [-F]
    00 squid ${buildout:directory}/bin/squid [-N]
  • The varnish-install section uses the zc.recipe.cmmi recipe to download and install Varnish:

    recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi
    url =
  • The varnish section uses the plone.recipe.varnish recipe to create a Varnish configuration file:

    recipe = plone.recipe.varnish
    daemon = ${varnish-install:location}/sbin/varnishd
  • The env section provides access to the operating system shell's environment variables (for example, USER):

    recipe = gocept.recipe.env
  • The hosts and ports sections provide a way to standardize and easily control IP address and port settings:

    # Chapter 7
    localhost =
    instance1 = 8081
    instance2 = 8082
  • In this chapter, we discussed how to configure package versions in part, by specifying version numbers in a versions section (and also by setting versions = versions in the buildout section):

    # Chapter 8
    Cheetah = 2.2.1
    Paste =
    Products.CacheSetup = 1.2.1
    #Required by:
    #PasteScript 1.7.3
    PasteDeploy = 1.3.3
    #Required by:
    #ZopeSkel 2.16
    PasteScript = 1.7.3
    #Required by:
    #Products.CacheSetup 1.2.1
    Products.CMFSquidTool = 1.5.1
    # Buildout infrastructure
    plone.recipe.zope2install = 3.2
    plone.recipe.zope2instance = 3.6
    plone.recipe.zope2zeoserver = 1.4
    setuptools = 0.6c11
    zc.buildout = 1.4.3
    zc.recipe.egg = 1.2.2
    # Zope
    zope2-url =
    # External dependencies
    Markdown = 1.7
    PIL = 1.1.6
    elementtree = 1.2.7-20070827-preview
    feedparser = 4.1
    python-openid = 2.2.4
    simplejson = 2.0.9
    # Plone release
    Plone = 3.3.5
    Products.ATContentTypes = 1.3.4
    Products.ATReferenceBrowserWidget = 2.0.5

For whatever it is worth, this is the final buildout example (before we blast off in to the future) that demonstrates all the functionality we have added incrementally with each chapter.

Ideally, you can browse through 08-future-final.cfg and when you see something you do not understand, refer to the corresponding chapter for an explanation.

Staying calm when trouble arises

It is a harsh reality that while experimenting with your Plone buildout (such as adding various packages from the Python Package Index), things are more likely to go wrong than they are to go right.

Do yourself a favor and:

  1. Do not panic.

  2. Paste the error message to

  3. Join the #plone IRC channel on and ask the folks in there if they understand the error.

  4. Alternatively, ask a question on the Plone users' mailing list on (

A lot of times, what appears to be a cryptic error is actually not to the trained eye. It is important that you learn to tell the difference.

You can read more about the available support options for Plone on

The Plone community is a thoughtful and generous one, so you will be welcomed and encouraged to learn!

Upgrading to Plone 4

It is now time to explore upgrading to Plone 4.

Nowadays, as far as the software itself is concerned, this is a relatively simple process.

Especially as far as our buildout.cfg file is concerned, it is simple.

At the time of this writing, Plone 4 is just about to release its first release candidate. This means that we can experiment with the most recent beta release beta 3.

For Plone 4 beta 3's versions.cfg file, visit

Even though we have already specified a versions.cfg, we can specify another one, because Buildout will just use the last specified value for each parameter.

In the case of a versions section that looks like as shown, Buildout will use the latter version:

Plone = 3.3.5
Plone = 4.0b3

Effectively, extending the Plone 4 beta 3 versions.cfg file and executing Buildout upgrades your software stack (but not your database) to Plone 4 beta 3.

There are a few additional concerns we must address before you do that.

  1. First, and most importantly, you must re-bootstrap your buildout with Python 2.6, as shown:

    $ python2.6
  2. Second, you must backup your database (which you learned how to do in Chapter 5).

  3. Third, you must uninstall the add-ons for which there is no Plone 4 compatible release. In our case, we must uninstall all the add-ons (more or less).

  4. Fourth, you will browse to http://localhost:8080/Plone, click on Site Setup | Add-on Products and uninstall all the add-ons we had installed.

    Ideally, this process will be trouble-free, though often it is not. In the event you have trouble uninstalling an add-on, you should contact the author.

  5. Fifth, we are going to subtract all the sections and parameters that are not absolutely essential to run Plone 4, from our buildout. That means everything but the instance section is to be subtracted.

  6. Finally, you will execute the buildout.

In 08-future-plone4.cfg we have:

extends =
develop =
parts -=
zope2-location =
eggs -=
event-log-custom =
access-log-custom =
zeo-client =

Now run Buildout:

$ bin/buildout c 08-future-plone4.cfg

This Buildout should complete successfully. However, in the real world you do not have to go to the trouble of subtracting out all the Plone 3 parts of your buildout. You can just use a real Plone 4 buildout.

In 08-future-just-plone4.cfg, we have:

extends =
versions = versions
parts = instance
recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
user = admin:admin
eggs = Plone

Now run Buildout:

$ bin/buildout c 08-future-just-plone4.cfg

You should see:

Installing instance.
Generated script /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/bin/instance.

Start Plone:

$ bin/instance fg

You should see:

$ bin/instance fg
2010-05-24 22:42:24 INFO ZServer HTTP server started at Mon May 24 22:42:24 2010
Hostname: localhost
Port: 8080
2010-05-24 22:42:27 INFO ZODB.blob (31597) Blob directory `/Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/var/blobstorage` is unused and has no layout marker set. Selected `bushy` layout.
2010-05-24 22:42:27 INFO ZODB.blob (31597) Blob temporary directory /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/var/blobstorage/tmp does not exist. Created new directory.
2010-05-24 22:42:27 WARNING ZODB.blob (31597) Blob dir /Users/aclark/Developer/plone-site-admin/buildout/var/blobstorage/ has insecure mode setting
/Users/aclark/Developer/eggs/Zope2-2.12.5-py2.6-macosx-10.6-x86_64.egg/Zope2/App/ DeprecationWarning: PlacelessTranslationService: The PlacelessTranslationService itself is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of PTS.
return getattr(m, name)
2010-05-24 22:42:31 WARNING OFS.Uninstalled Could not import class TextIndex from module Products.PluginIndexes.TextIndex.TextIndex
/Users/aclark/Developer/eggs/Zope2-2.12.5-py2.6-macosx-10.6-x86_64.egg/Zope2/App/ DeprecationWarning: BrokenMessageCatalog: PlacelessTranslationServices implementation of Message catalogs and the MoFileCache is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of PTS.
/Users/aclark/Developer/eggs/Zope2-2.12.5-py2.6-macosx-10.6-x86_64.egg/Zope2/App/ DeprecationWarning: BrokenMessageCatalog: PlacelessTranslationServices implementation of Message catalogs and the MoFileCache is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of PTS.
return getattr(m, name)
2010-05-24 22:42:32 INFO Zope Ready to handle requests

Browse to http://localhost:8080/ (not http://localhost:8080/Plone).

You should see:

Upgrading to Plone 4

Click on Upgrade. You should see:

Upgrading to Plone 4

Now click on Site.


In this final chapter, you have learned:

  • How to specify package versions, with help from a Buildout extension

  • How to execute Buildout successfully when no Internet connection is available

  • How to create and manage a complex buildout in one or many files

  • How to upgrade Plone and manage the complexities of the process

  • What to do when errors occur

In this book, you have hopefully learned how to manage your Plone site using Buildout and related tools. Your potential to build attractive, multi-functional websites with Plone is limitless.

Assembling Plone applications with Buildout is a complex task, but one that can be managed effectively without too much complexity.

The author hopes you have enjoyed reading this book, and wishes you all the best with your Plone sites!

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