Chapter 8. A Relational View on Data with Hive

MapReduce is a powerful paradigm which enables complex data processing that can reveal valuable insights. However, it does require a different mindset and some training and experience on the model of breaking processing analytics into a series of map and reduce steps. There are several products that are built atop Hadoop to provide higher-level or more familiar views on the data held within HDFS. This chapter will introduce one of the most popular of these tools, Hive .

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • What Hive is and why you may want to use it
  • How to install and configure Hive
  • Using Hive to perform SQL-like analysis of the UFO data set
  • How Hive can approximate common features of a relational database such as joins and views
  • How to efficiently use Hive across very large data sets
  • How Hive allows the incorporation of user-defined functions into its queries
  • How Hive complements another common tool, Pig

Overview of Hive

Hive is a data warehouse that uses MapReduce to analyze data stored on HDFS. In particular, it provides a query language called HiveQL that closely resembles the common Structured Query Language (SQL) standard.

Why use Hive?

In Chapter 4, Developing MapReduce Programs, we introduced Hadoop Streaming and explained that one large benefit of Streaming is how it allows faster turn-around in the development of MapReduce jobs. Hive takes this a step further. Instead of providing a way of more quickly developing map and reduce tasks, it offers a query language based on the industry standard SQL. Hive takes these HiveQL statements and immediately and automatically translates the queries into one or more MapReduce jobs. It then executes the overall MapReduce program and returns the results to the user. Whereas Hadoop Streaming reduces the required code/compile/submit cycle, Hive removes it entirely and instead only requires the composition of HiveQL statements.

This interface to Hadoop not only accelerates the time required to produce results from data analysis, it significantly broadens who can use Hadoop and MapReduce. Instead of requiring software development skills, anyone with a familiarity with SQL can use Hive.

The combination of these attributes is that Hive is often used as a tool for business and data analysts to perform ad hoc queries on the data stored on HDFS. Direct use of MapReduce requires map and reduce tasks to be written before the job can be executed which means a necessary delay from the idea of a possible query to its execution. With Hive, the data analyst can work on refining HiveQL queries without the ongoing involvement of a software developer. There are of course operational and practical limitations (a badly written query will be inefficient regardless of technology) but the broad principle is compelling.

Thanks, Facebook!

Just as we earlier thanked Google, Yahoo!, and Doug Cutting for their contributions to Hadoop and the technologies that inspired it, it is to Facebook that we must now direct thanks.

Hive was developed by the Facebook Data team and, after being used internally, it was contributed to the Apache Software Foundation and made freely available as open source software. Its homepage is

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