Joining data using Apache Pig replicated join

Apache Pig supports a number of advanced joins, including:

  • Reduce-side joins
  • Replicated joins
  • Merge joins
  • Skewed joins

The reduce-side join is the default implementation when you use Pig's JOIN operator. Pig also supports map-side joins when you specify the replicated or merge keyword. This recipe will demonstrate how to perform a map-side replicated join using Pig. We will join a weblog dataset, and a dataset containing a list of distinct IPs and their associated countries.

Getting ready

Download the apache_nobots_tsv.txt and nobots_ip_country_tsv.txt datasets from and place them into HDFS. You will also need a recent version of Apache Pig (0.9 or later) installed on the cluster.

How to do it...

Carry out the following steps to perform a replicated join in Apache Pig:

  1. Open your favorite text editor and create a file named replicated_join.pig. Create two Pig relations to load the two datasets:
    nobots_weblogs = LOAD '/user/hadoop/apache_nobots_tsv.txt' AS (ip: chararray, timestamp:long, page:chararray, http_status:int, payload_size:int, useragent:chararray);
    ip_country_tbl = LOAD '/user/hadoop/nobots_ip_country_tsv.txt' AS (ip:chararray, country:chararray);
  2. Join the two datasets using the replicated keyword:
    weblog_country_jnd = JOIN nobots_weblogs BY ip, ip_country_tbl BY ip USING 'replicated';
  3. Format the joined relation and store the result:
    cleaned = FOREACH weblog_country_jnd GENERATE ip_country_tbl::ip, country, timestamp, page, http_status, payload_size, useragent;
    STORE cleaned  INTO '/user/hadoop/weblog_country_jnd_replicated';
  4. Run the job:
    $ pig –f replicated_join.pig

How it works...

In step 1, we defined two relations: nobots_weblogs and ip_country_tbl, to refer to the two input datasets. Next, we joined the two datasets on the ip field using Pig's replicated join. Pig will load the right-most relation, ip_country_tbl, into memory and will join the data with the nobots_weblogs relationship. It is important that the right-most relations be small enough to fit into a mapper's memory. Pig will not warn you if the dataset is too large, the job will just fail with an out of memory exception.

Finally, in step 3, we formatted the joined relation into a new relation named cleaned. There is one field that looks odd in the FOREACH statement, and that field is ip_country_tbl::ip. We had to use the :: operator to define which column we wanted to store in the cleaned relation, since the joined relation contains two fields named ip. We could have easily chosen to use nobots_weblogs::ip instead; it makes no difference in this example.

There's more...

The replicated join can be used on more than one relation. For example, we can modify the previous recipe to use a replicated join to perform an inner join on three relations:

weblog_country_jnd = JOIN nobots_weblogs BY ip, ip_country_tbl BY ip, another_relation BY ip USING 'replicated';

Again, the right-most datasets must fit into the main memory. In this case, both ip_country_tbl and another_relation must fit into the memory of a mapper.

See also

  • Joining sorted data using Apache Pig merge join
  • Joining skewed data using Apache Pig skewed join
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