Setting a custom field constraint forinputting geographic event data in Accumulo

In this recipe, we will build a custom Constraint class to limit the types of mutations we can apply to event date values in an Accumulo table. Specifically, we want newly entered values to conform to a particular SimpleDateFormat pattern, but these values should not be in the future according to the system time on the TabletServer.

Getting ready

This recipe will be the easiest to test over a pseudo-distributed Hadoop cluster with Accumulo 1.4.1 and Zookeeper 3.3.3 installed. The shell script in this recipe assumes that Zookeeper is running on the host localhost and on the port 2181; you can change this to suit your environment needs. The Accumulo installation's bin folder needs to be on your environment path.

For this recipe you'll need to create an Accumulo instance named test with user as root and password as password.

You will need a table by the name acled to exist in the configured Accumulo instance.

It is also highly recommended that you go through the Using MapReduce to bulk import geographic event data into Accumulo recipe of this chapter. This will give you some sample data with which you can experiment.

How to do it...

Follow these steps to implement and install a constraint in Accumulo:

  1. Open the Java IDE editor of your choice. You will need to configure the Accumulo core and Hadoop classpath dependencies.
  2. Create a build template that produces a JAR file named accumulo-examples.jar.
  3. Create the package example.accumulo and create the class with the following content:
    package examples.accumulo;
    import org.apache.accumulo.core.constraints.Constraint;
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    public class DtgConstraint implements Constraint {
        private static final short DATE_IN_FUTURE = 1;
        private static final short MALFORMED_DATE = 2;
        private static final byte[] dtgBytes = "dtg".getBytes();
        private static final DateFormat dateFormatter = new 
        public String getViolationDescription(short violationCode) {
            if(violationCode == DATE_IN_FUTURE) {
                return "Date cannot be in future";
            } else if(violationCode == MALFORMED_DATE) {
                return "Date does not match simple date format 
            return null;
  4. Implement the check()method.
        public List<Short> check(Environment env, Mutation mutation) {
            List<Short> violations = null;
            try {
                for(ColumnUpdate update : mutation.getUpdates()) {
                    if(isDtg(update)) {
                        long dtgTime = dateFormatter.parse(new 
                        long currentMillis = 
                        if(currentMillis < dtgTime) {
                            violations = checkAndAdd(
                                   violations, DATE_IN_FUTURE);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                violations = checkAndAdd(violations, 
            return violations;
  5. Do a byte comparison to check if the update is for the qualifier dtg.
        private boolean isDtg(ColumnUpdate update) {
            byte[] qual = update.getColumnQualifier();
            if(qual.length != dtgBytes.length)
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < qual.length; i++) {
                if(!(qual[i] == dtgBytes[i])) {
                   return false;
            return true;
        private List<Short> checkAndAdd(List<Short> violations, 
                                        short violationCode) {
            if(violations == null)
                violations = new ArrayList<Short>();
            return violations;
  6. Save the class.
  7. In the same package, examples.accumulo, create the class with the following content:
    package examples.accumulo;
    import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.*;
    import org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.Property;
    import java.util.List;
    public class DtgConstraintMain {
        public static final long MAX_MEMORY= 10000L;
        public static final long MAX_LATENCY=1000L;
        public static final int MAX_WRITE_THREADS = 4;
        public static final String TEST_TABLE = "acled";
        public static final Text COLUMN_FAMILY = new Text("cf");
        public static final Text DTG_QUAL = new Text("dtg");
  8. The main() method tries to insert both valid and invalid dtg values to test our constraint.
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            if(args.length < 6) {
    System.err.println("examples.accumulo.DtgConstraintMain <row_id> <dtg> <instance_name> <user> <password> <zookeepers>");
            String rowID = args[0];
            byte[] dtg = args[1].getBytes();
            String instanceName = args[2];
            String user = args[3];
            String pass = args[4];
            String zooQuorum = args[5];
            ZooKeeperInstance ins;
            Connector connector = null;
            BatchWriter writer = null;
            try {
                ins = new ZooKeeperInstance(instanceName, 
                connector = ins.getConnector(user, pass);
                writer = connector.createBatchWriter(TEST_TABLE, MAX_MEMORY, 
                               MAX_LATENCY, MAX_WRITE_THREADS);
    connector.tableOperations().setProperty(TEST_TABLE, Property.TABLE_CONSTRAINT_PREFIX.getKey() + 1, DtgConstraint.class.getName());
                Mutation validMutation = new Mutation(new 
                validMutation.put(COLUMN_FAMILY, DTG_QUAL, 
                                  new Value(dtg));
            } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) {
                List<ConstraintViolationSummary> summaries = 
                for (ConstraintViolationSummary sum : summaries) {
  9. Build the JAR file, accumulo-examples.jar.
  10. Navigate to your local Accumulo installation folder, $ACCUMULO_HOME/conf, and edit the file accumulo-site.xml.
  11. Edit the general.classpaths property in the accumulo-site.xml file to include the path to accumulo-examples.jar.
  12. Restart the local TabletServer for Accumulo using $ACCUMULO_HOME/bin/ and
  13. Issue the following command to test whether the JAR file is on the Accumulo classpath:
    $ accumulo classpath

    You should see a file //printout with accumulo-examples.jar.

  14. In the base working folder where accumulo-examples.jar is located, create a new shell script named with the following commands. Be sure to change ACCUMULO-LIB, HADOOP_LIB, and ZOOKEEPER_LIB to match your local paths.
    java -cp $ACCUMULO_LIB:$HADOOP_LIB:$ZOOKEEPER_LIB:accumulo-examples.jar examples.accumulo.DtgConstraintMain
  15. Save and run the script. It should silently complete.
  16. Edit the script and change the value of the dtg parameter from 2012-08-07 to 2030-08-07.
  17. Save and re-run the script. You should see a constraint error printed to the console indicating Date cannot be in future.

How it works...

Our Constraint class looks through every mutation and determines if the column qualifier matching dtg is involved. If the ColumnUpdate object mutates a key-value pair containing the qualifier dtg, examine the value for errors. This constraint has the following two violation conditions:

  1. The date does not match the Java SimpleDateFormat pattern, yyyy-MM-dd. So 1970-12-23 and 2012-02-11 will pass, but 70-12-23 or 12-20-22 will generate an error and add a constraint violation.
  2. The date is in the future. At the time of this writing, 2030-08-07 was 18 years in the future. If the column update contains a future date, add a constraint violation.

The main class takes all of the required parameters to connect to the Accumulo instance and adds the Constraint class to the table. It then attempts to perform a mutation on the supplied rowID using the argument value for dtg. If the mutation is rejected for any reason, print out the constraint violations to see if the DtgConstraint was violated.

We can modify the dtg argument in the shell script to see the different constraint violation errors our class generated.

There's more...

Constraints are a powerful feature for data policy enforcement in Accumulo. The following headings discuss a few additional things you should know.

Bundled Constraint classes

The Accumulo core offers numerous constraint implementations out of the box. They cover a variety of common checked conditions and are already on the TabletServer classpath. Check out the example implementations in the simple example's module located at the package org.apache.accumulo.examples.simple.constraints. Cell visibility and other core system checks in Accumulo use constraint implementations behind the scenes.

Installing a constraint on each TabletServer

If after installing a custom constraint to your Accumulo instance, you'll notice every mutation being rejected; it's likely that, for whatever reason, the TabletServer server did not find your Constraint class on the classpath. Check the TabletServer logs for ClassNotFoundExceptions. This can happen if the table configuration has the Constraint class listed but cannot find a class matching the fully qualified name. In a fully-distributed setup, make sure to restart every TabletServer after modifying each general classpath.

See also

  • Using MapReduce to bulk import geographic event data into Accumulo
  • Enforcing cell-level security on scans using Accumulo
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