Testing reports

There are several common areas that should be tested and checked for each report. Here is a list of common items to test:

  • Date ranges should be tested for one day, one month, several months, one year, and sometimes multiple years. The user may say they only want a small date range, but after they get to like the report, they will start to use larger date ranges. Test the performance of the report as the date range increases. You may find that some reports can't be generated in a reasonable amount of time for large date ranges and a different solution may be needed.
  • Make sure a descriptive label is used for the date range parameter and is also placed on the report. This helps later down the road when the end user wants to compare data across several reports. If the date fields are not the same, then the data returned will be different and may not be comparable.
  • Test all Expand/Collapse controls that are used in the report. Verify that the correct icon for the plus/minus sign is being displayed. If it is backwards, the InitialToggleState property of the textbox may need to be changed.
  • Export the report to all supported export types. Verify that the field names are legible for the end user. For example, the CSV export type uses the textbox name for the column heading. The ultimate test is displaying the report in a Print Preview screen of the exported type. This will display headers and footers that may not otherwise be visible.
  • If the user's credentials modify how the report looks, or how much data is displayed, then similar credentials should be used to test the report.
  • Verify that the parameters are displaying in the correct order, as well as displaying the correct lists and options to the end user.
  • Verify the initial sort order of the data. If the data is not explicitly sorted in a particular way, then data may display in a different order on a different server due to the indexes or lack of indexes in the database, as well as how Reporting Services processes the data.
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