Creating a row group

Grouping data in a report adds readability to your overall design. But, be aware of the negative impact of adding groups in the performance of your report.

  1. Right-click on the first column (Date), and navigate to Add Group | Parent Group (under Row Group) as shown in the following screenshot:
    Creating a row group
  2. That displays the Tablix group dialog box. From the Group by drop-down list, let's select [Product] because that is how we want to group our data—by Product. Also, select the Add group header checkbox, which will add an extra row that we can use to display aggregates for each Product group:
    Creating a row group

A new column now appears in the first position of our table. A new row is also added on top of our detail data. Let's take a look at the grouping by Product that we just created:

Creating a row group
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