Adding center points

If you noticed in the Map Layer properties, there's another option in the menu called Center Point. We can add a center point in a map layer to add another nuance of the same dataset.

For example, our map shows some kind of heat map of which state is making the most sales in dollar terms. The color red represents the "hottest" state.

Let's introduce a center point on the same layer. For instance, suppose that we want to see which state is selling the most number of products. More products sold don't necessarily mean higher revenue in some cases. One state might be mostly selling accessories while the other is mostly selling the big items. In this case, although the former is selling more items, the latter is selling more in dollar terms.

Let's see how this scenario is demonstrated by adding a center point on the same layer.

Again, from the Map Layer properties pane, select Show Center Points. That marks the center point property as checked.

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