Who this book is for

This book is for experienced Java developers. This book is not for dummies. The book is practically busting out of its seams, because there is so much information about all of the Java EE 7 technologies; therefore, we have included only the relevant stuff. Java EE 7 Developer Handbook covers the most crucial types of endpoints for new enterprise. This book will help many of you that have had prior experience with the platform. Whilst this book will not provide all the best practice and design patterns for Java EE 7, it does teach you the basics and the insider knowledge that will help you hunt for that information further afield.

Given there are more than 32 individual specifications involved in the umbrella Java EE 7, unfortunately, we could not fit every single topic inside this book. So that means coverage around Java Server Faces, Java EE Connector Architecture, and the new Batch API fell outside the remit of this volume. Something had to give, sadly, to ensure that we did include the most common denominator technologies that an engineer will face. We do give full attention to brand new Java EE 7 APIs, such as Java WebSocket, Concurrency Utilities, and JSON Processing API.

If you are unlucky (or lucky) like us, one day you arrive at your workplace, and suddenly you are told or requested to learn a new technology in a jig time. You already have a realization about time, which is a precious commodity and we should not waste it. This is why we focused on using up-to-date technology and build practices that we think are turning the world over.

Test Driven Development (TDD) has almost baked itself into the stone in the engineering world. Who professionally nowadays can proclaim within any organization that we do not test our software? This book reflects some of the best practices, by illustrating the testing codes. This book is not, however, a full treatise in testing, rather we show how Java EE 7 is more amenable than ever to write tests, if TDD is the way you want to practice your development.

Gradle is the next-generation build system of choice for us. It is rapidly being adopted and has won over some of the world's leading engineering teams in open source and behind closed doors. Gradle is adopted by Google's Android, Oracle's Open JavaFX project, and I can claim personally that a certain department in London at the Barclays Retail bank uses it daily. Gradle can work with Maven and Apache Ivy repositories.

Java EE 7 is the stopgap specification, we think, between the traditional client-server model and embracing the cloud platform. So the question is, when do we want to learn it? You will be rewarded, however, if you make the grade.

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