Chapter 8. Setting Up and Managing Legal Entities and Partitions

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Creating a partition
  • Connecting to the partition
  • Configuring the new partition
  • Creating a new legal entity
  • Placing the legal entity in the organizational hierarchy
  • Other tasks after creating a legal entity


In the previous versions of AX, a legal entity (previously Company) was an isolated silo of information where data in one company could not affect (unless deliberately shared using virtual companies) data in another company.

You could copy companies within a database for testing and training purposes.

Legal entities in AX 2012 are no longer isolated silos and are designed to interact with each other. This brought many new abilities into AX, but some limitations also.

One such limitation is that you could not isolate a company's data from other companies in the group. This limitation was solved by partitions. A partition provides a level of isolation similar to having the legal entities in different databases and is new to AX 2012 R2.

One example is the shared nature of the chart of accounts, where they can be used in any legal entity (within the same partition).

When you first install AX, a default partition called initial is created, which is sufficient for most of the implementations.

All legal entities you create will be created against the initial partition, as is any data created in a table in AX.

If you require a legal entity to be isolated from other legal entities, you will need to create another partition, log in to that partition, and configure the system.


The architecture of data partitioning is described well here:

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