Chapter 9. Setting Up and Managing Workflow

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Setting up a workflow
  • Setting up organization specific parameters
  • Administering and troubleshooting workflows
  • Setting up delegation


When workflow was first introduced into Dynamics AX, there was a tendency to use this new technology whenever technically possible, sometimes without thinking about the end user experience and process efficiency.

The benefit of using a workflow is that it allows an analyst or a superuser to define the business logic of a process in the application rather than relying on a developer to write it in code.

Workflow's typical use is to approve the document, assign the task, and automatically perform tasks based on the criteria.

While making your decision on whether workflow is an appropriate solution for your requirement, consider the following:

  • The user would submit the document (record) to the workflow by clicking on the Submit button on the form; the user is not forced to submit the document or reminded (for example, upon closing the form) that they haven't submitted it.
  • The workflow will take minutes to complete, even if it is automatically processed (for example, automatic approval based on the spend limit); this is because it relies on the batch framework.
  • Workflow cannot be used as a record validation, for example, preventing a sales order from being created based on a credit check.
  • It is possible for workflows to stall or fail, which will be notified to the designated person as specified in the workflow's design.
  • It relies on the batch framework. Hence, execution of the workflow will take at least 2 minutes.
  • Workflow notifications leverage the alerts framework, which in turn relies on the batch framework.

For all the reasons we just highlighted, workflow is not suited for real-time processes such as credit-checking sales orders, where an immediate response is typically required. However, the same reasons make workflow ideal for many other kinds of approval.

The workflow framework is very well thought out, with a very easy-to-use workflow designer from Microsoft's .NET framework.

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