Accessing Excel spreadsheets without having MS Office installed

If you try accessing the DDT.ExcelDriver method from your scripts without having MS Office installed, you will get the error Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.

In this recipe we will learn how to avoid this problem without installing MS Office.

How to do it...

In order to have access to Excel files via DDT perform the following steps:

  1. Visit the following URL
  2. Download and install Data Connectivity Components on your computer.
  3. Now you can access DDT data from scripts.

How it works...

Data Connectivity Components is a part of MS Office system, but it can be also installed separately to have access to xlsx files (files created in MS Excel 2007 or higher).

If you also need to edit Excel files on this computer, you can use the LibreOffice suite ( which is free.

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