Chapter 10. Testing Web Applications

In this chapter we will cover the following recipes:

  • Choosing Web Tree Model
  • Using updates for the latest browser versions
  • Performing cross-browser testing
  • Verifying if a text exists on a page
  • Waiting for an element to appear on a page
  • Saving screenshots of an entire page
  • Running scripts on a page


Nowadays, a lot of applications being developed are web based and most tools for automated testing have special abilities to test these types of applications. Such applications may be very complicated and include complex element structure and behavioral logic.

TestComplete supports testing web applications in all popular web browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Opera. It also allows performing with web-based application all the things we can do with desktop software: search for elements, wait for elements, get pages' screenshots, and so on.

In this chapter we will discuss some of the frequently arisen topics related to testing web applications in TestComplete.

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