Chapter 11. Distributed Testing

In this chapter we will cover the following recipes:

  • Setting up Network Suite and understanding distributed testing
  • Copying Project Suite to a Slave workstation
  • Using a Master workstation to run tests
  • Using different configuration files for each workstation
  • Sharing data between workstations
  • Synchronizing test runs on several workstations


Sometimes, acceptance testing is performed on several workstations. There may be different reasons for this: time required for running all tests is too much to run whole Project Suite on one computer or we might need to run tests on computers with different operating systems, and so on.

In any case, it would be nice to be able to run and control all these tests from a single computer, and then to be able to collect and analyze test results in one place.

TestComplete provides us with a feature called Network Suite which allows running tests on several workstations simultaneously and yet controls the execution flow from a single place.

In this chapter, we will discuss some frequently asked questions about Network Suite usage.

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