Chapter 3. Scripting

In this chapter we will cover the following recipes:

  • Entering text into text fields
  • Using wildcards to process objects with variable names
  • Structuring code using loops
  • Creating property checkpoints
  • Creating object checkpoints
  • Using global variables
  • Testing multilingual applications
  • Working with nonstandard controls
  • Organizing script code in the project
  • Handling exceptions
  • Handling exceptions from a different unit
  • Creating framework using the OOP approach


Recording in TestComplete allows us to fast create testing scripts, and recorded tests are easy to read and maintain. Scripting allows us to create powerful and maintainable tests. It also allows us to create handy testing frameworks and solve complicated tasks with programming. Scripting also requires good programming skills and general understanding of project's design. In this chapter, we will consider different programming tasks one may face when manually creating test scripts. We will use JScript programming language for our examples.

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